Unfortunately, at the moment I cannot post all of my photos because I am writing from dodgy internet cafes in Cape Town, Poland, etc! However, rest assured they are coming soon as soon as I return to the US.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Questionable Antics

I will not say much about this, but we had a work party. Meaning, EVERYONE from our multiple offices in Paris came to one of the best-known alternative clubs/bars in the city. I was happy to be far away from our usual fancy Champs-Elysees venues and in East half of the city, at a kind of grungy, alternative place with an incredible live band, a huge dance floor, and more free food and drinks than I had ever seen. The entire place was rented out for us, and, unlike anything I could picture in the US, the bosses danced with the interns, the directors tried to matchmake some of us [cough], and people I saw every day at the office were saying absolutely hilarious things, thanks to the fact that they were far from sober. The opportunity to talk to people in a more informal setting further reinforced my liking of advertising because it became apparent that it gathers a incredible wealth of diverse and completely different people, which at least in my experience, has not been the case with other professions. It was fun and wonderful, not to mention it was great to see everyone roll into work on Friday with 4 hours of sleep….

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