Unfortunately, at the moment I cannot post all of my photos because I am writing from dodgy internet cafes in Cape Town, Poland, etc! However, rest assured they are coming soon as soon as I return to the US.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Jumping in....

Lyrics: "And won't you kiss me On that midnight street Sweep me off my feet Singing ain't this life so sweet" - David Gray

New Years 2007 – I have spent a year waiting for this moment, purely for the psychological release of being able to say that 2007 is over and done with and 2008 is here. What really changes with this seemingly arbitrary [not entirely, since it is based on the earth’s rotation obviously] beginning? Not much, other than a certain unavoidably refreshing feeling of novelty, of beginning anew. Some of needed it this time.

In any case, I spent the 31st of December and the 1st of January (29 consecutive hours) with my friend Sinead and her friend from Wales, Lee. The three of us spent the afternoon of the 31st on Montmarte, sitting on the steps of Sacre Coeur for a couple of hours listening to live music as twilight turned to dusk. Then we drank some hot chocolate at a nearby piano bar, walked around some more, and went home to have dinner. The countdown to 2008 happened in front of the Eiffel Tower, surrounded by rowdy Brazilians, some fireworks, and greeting every passing person with an excited “Bonne Année!” and a double-kiss!

Then we went back to the apartment, where Lee and I stayed up talking until 6am and he tried to teach me how to play poker and give me a brief geophysics lesson, need I say, unsuccessfully. The next morning, the three of us made crepes and went out to explore the city once again!

Coming home the afternoon of the 1st, from a whirlwind adventure with a good friend and a complete stranger, I could not fathom a better way of starting 2008. I’d made a new friend in Lee, I’d spoken to my parents and could tell they were emotional because I was so far away, and I was ready for the next 12 months, happily so. This makes me think of the David Gray song from above...

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