Unfortunately, at the moment I cannot post all of my photos because I am writing from dodgy internet cafes in Cape Town, Poland, etc! However, rest assured they are coming soon as soon as I return to the US.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

90 days later, she finally arrives...

I'm in love with a girl who's in love with the world. Though I can't help but follow. Though I know someday she is bound to go away and stay over the rainbow - Amos Lee lyrics

Brief posting: my commute to Italy entailed a flight from NY to London, then London to Zurich, and finally Zurich to Milan. Upon arrival, I THEN had to take an hour bus ride into the city. Upon arriving, a college friend of my mom’s met me and took me to her apartment for a one-night stay. Extremely tried, I took a quick shower and had a lovely dinner with her family (mother, retired atirst/architect husband, and computer science-studying 24 year-old son). Notably, after passing around several rounds of celebratory wine drinks and a surprise whiskey pour, the conversation turned to European politics. I tried my best to decry communism in my inebriated and exhausted state, but I do not recall how the conversation suddenly turned (no exaggeration) to how my father is the “perfect specimen of manhood.” I will not qualify that statement with my own agreement or lack thereof, but imagine my surprise when a nice “Welcome to Italy!” family dinner with people I have never met, suddenly turned to such a topic. Having sobered up the next morning and caught a train to San Remo, I still had no idea what logic our conversation had followed!

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